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12 Marketing Tips That Will Give You Assured Returns During The Holidays-Guest Post

Entrepreneurs have a very busy time on holidays since it’s the perfect time to promote their business and accelerate their profits. Be it an online business or a local retail store, each entrepreneur tries to promote his business in new and unique ways.

I have personally met many entrepreneurs who have confessed that they earn the highest percentage of their revenue during the festive season.


Now is the time to put all your marketing skills to charm your customers. It is the time to market your business, grab more eyeballs, and accelerate your profits.

Here are a few tips to promote your business during the festive season.

I have learned most of these tips during my interactions with some seasoned entrepreneurs of the industry.

Hopefully, these tips will make your holidays more memorable this year.

12 Tips to market your business during the holidays

If you’re a newbie entrepreneur, then there are a few lessons you need to learn immediately. The first lesson is about company formation. The second lesson is about marketing. The third lesson is about brand awareness and the fourth lesson is on money management.

The list goes on and it’s fruitless to discuss it now. It will take several articles to cover all the topics. So let’s get back to our main subject of discussion and that is marketing tips to promote your small business on holidays.

1. Give special offers and coupons: 

Special offers and coupons can help you garner repeat business. Give coupons in each purchase to lure customers for shopping at a later date.

2. Invite Santa:

Children love to interact with Santa Claus in the Christmas time. So you can invite Santa Claus to your store to attract the attention of children and families who are out shopping.

3. Organize special shows: 

Have you launched new products recently? Do you have a wide variety of products but people have no clue about them? If so, then you can showcase your products on special shows throughout the holidays.

If people like the feature of the products, then they may buy them instantly. There are many people who come back home during the holidays. You’ll get a chance to sell your products to them also.

4. Advertise your return policy:

A lot of people hesitate to buy new products if there is no proper return policy. Customers want to know what they can do if products are not good.

So advertise your return policy on your website prominently so that customers can buy your products without any hesitation.

5. Offer a cup of hot chocolate: 

A cup of hot chocolate or coffee can be a great way to entice passersby. So hand out hot chocolate or any popular beverage to passersby and increase your chances for selling your products this Christmas.

6. Send out emails:

 Email marketing can help you earn $47 in ROI for every dollar spent. Send out festive emails to your clients in advance. Give festive titles and touches too.

7. Contact bloggers: 

Do you have products that could make awesome gifts? If so, then you have a great chance to get your products in front of potential buyers. Contact bloggers and ask them to feature your products in their articles on holiday gifts.

This is a completely a non-commercial way of promoting your products. It will also help you to create brand awareness. 

8. Host a special sale: 

Host special sale for 3 weeks in December to keep people shopping in the holiday season. Give special deals and products in these 3 weeks leading up to Christmas

9. Give free samples: 

If you sell food items, then give away free samples to your potential customers. Let them try your food. If the quality of your food is good, then people won’t mind buying a few packets of your food items.

10. Pamper your clients: 

Last year when I was out for Christmas shopping, an ad on the store window caught my attention. It said, “Buy cosmetics and get a free makeup”. Just out of curiosity, I went inside the store to know more about it.

performanceThere were few pretty girls inside the store who welcomed me graciously and explained the deal clearly. I had to do buy a few skincare or beauty products, and in return, they would do my makeup absolutely free.

On the hindsight, I thought the offer was not bad. I had to attend a party in that evening. A free makeup could save me a lot of time and effort. I grabbed the deal happily.

You could do something similar to this. You could offer pampering activity like meditation or messages to lure more customers.

11. Make a holiday app: 

Make a holiday specific app or add a special feature to your app to help your customers to shop conveniently. They can connect with you any time of the day and access your products without turning on their computer.

12. Post a video Youtube:

In 2016, mobile video views increased 200% on Black Friday and Cyber Monday since it’s more convenient for people to watch a short video, know about different products and buy them.

Create a holiday-themed video this year to remind your current clients about the products you sell and also attract new customers.

Some popular holiday-themed videos

  • Product video where the main focus is on the products you sell
  • How-to-do videos where you teach your clients the ways to create DIY holiday gifts
  • Thank You videos where you appreciate your customers for their support and cooperation
  • Year in review videos where you talk about the most exciting happenings in the last 12 months

One word of advice

Create a budget for marketing your business during holidays. Your budget shouldn’t be too big. Calculate how much revenue you can expect to earn by following these tips and formulate your budget accordingly. If you spend a huge amount on marketing but earn too less, then the whole thing would be a disaster.

The onus is on you to run your business smoothly, pay off your existing debts, set a good advertising strategy, and coordinate with your suppliers. If you don’t, you may soon find yourself filing bankruptcy.


Holiday is the best time to promote your business and make money. Stats say that holiday season constitutes 40% of entrepreneurs’ annual sales. Never lose this opportunity to promote your business. Use the aforementioned tips to get your items in front of your potential clients.

Author bio – Stacy B Miller is a financial editor at Oak View Law Group. She writes financial articles, which, considering where you’re reading this, make perfect sense.

She’s best known for writing articles on debt, credit, laws small business, and personal finance. She enjoys cooking and watching TV series.

She believes money is important in life and one should give value to it. You can get to her blog kissyourmoey.com to know more about her thoughts and perceptions.